Phase-0: Registration of School

  • Schools have to Register with valid DISE Code under Register Tab. They will be required to appoint a JH-SIC 2024 School Coordinator of the event who will be the single point of contact from the school.
  • Schools need to nominate maximum 2 ideas from each category. Junior Category: Class 7 to and Senior Category: Class 11 to 12.
  • Entry Fee: Nil.
Phase-1: Idea Submission & Screening

  • Submission of ideas by student teams.
  • Maximum two separate entries are allowed from each school ecah Category.
  • Each team can have a maximum of 3 students including the Team Leader. Each team should select its team leader.
  • Ideas can be submitted online in the prescribed format (Annexure I).
  • All entries will receive a confirmation message/mail after successfully submitting their idea(s).
  • Review and selection of ideas by an expert committee comprising experts from academia and industry. The parameters of evaluation and corresponding weightage are given in the table below.
1. Originality 20 Marks
2. Creativity 20 Marks
3. Novelty 20 Marks
4. Relevance 20 Marks
5. Societal Impact 20 Marks
Selection 1.0: Based on the expert committee's scrutiny and evaluation, potential ideas/teams will be selected for Phase-2.

Presentation Round

  • Teams selected for Presentation Round will have to present their idea to a panel of experts.
  • A fixed template of the presentation will be shared with the shortlisted teams.
  • Submission should be made by filling in the specific fields mentioned in the template.
Selection Criteria: Based on the presentation, ideas/teams will be selected for Prototype Round (70% weightage to Idea and 30% weightage to presentation).

Note for Presentation Round
  • A Proof of Concept (POC) is mandatory during the presentation. A fixed template of the presentation will be shared with the shortlisted teams.
  • Submission should be made by filling in the specific fields mentioned in the template.
  • Additional support files (e.g., videos of rough design concept/ CAD diagrams/ Circuit diagrams/ Simulations) should be presented as part of the Proof of concept.

Prototype Development

  • Selected teams will be working on the Prototype development, which will last for upto maximum 45 days.
  • To convert the proposed idea into a prototype, all the selected teams will be supported by INR 10,000 (in the reimbursement mode on submitting valid GST bills and transaction Proof). The support funding & number of teams are subject to change.
  • In the process, each team will be provided with a Mentor for guidance and help in the prototype development.
  • In the last 7-10 days, the Top 10 selected teams will be called to the IIT (ISM) campus subject to the prevailing condition to fine-tune their prototypes. The institute will provide lodging and Fooding as per the existing institute policy.
Grand Finale: A panel of experts will evaluate the final 10 prototypes to select the top 4 prototypes based on their stage of development and cost-effectiveness.
Based on the degree of novelty, social applicability, cost-effectiveness, competitive advantage over existing technologies, and user-friendliness, a STATE CHAMPION will be announced during the GRAND FINALE of the JH-SIC 2022 event along with Runner Up and consolation winners will also be announced in both the category.